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5 Common Website Mistakes Restaurants, Bars and Coffee Houses Make

For some reason, websites in the restaurant and bar industry will often be of lesser quality as compared to what a person might be expecting from modern web sites. The reason for this is unknown, because even newer restaurant web sites suffer from mistakes unique in this industry.

For anyone planning to develop a website to complement their business, then avoid these frequently made mistakes:

Flash doorway pages – People surfing the net never need any sort of fancy animations, videos, or anything streaming before they get to the website. Studies show that near 40 {c2b5dfb9b5f0deab13e85e7181b8d8b78f4b8d992d6f0287b77274cf9797a92b} of visitors immediately hit the Back key once seeing a Flash doorway web page starting to load.

Unprofessional look and feel – Your site communicates the restaurant’s image. If the web site feels of poor quality, that’s the image you will give about your business. Lousy website = lousy image.

Downloadable PDFs as menus – Most people usually do not need to have to download your menu, they just wish to look at it. Try to make it easy for them simply by listing your dishes onto a menu page on your site, rather than forcing your visitors to download a PDF, not to mention having to open it up inside yet another software.

Not working with Google Maps – Providing your specific location and even showing directions is vital for your restaurant or bar website. Google Maps can make this very easy.

No mobile phone version – One of the number one mistakes a restaurant or bar site might make is not developing a mobile designed variation of the website. This is actually a relatively new trend, which happens to be gaining pace quickly and can’t remain overlooked.

Google revealed a written report recently, which revealed that fifty{c2b5dfb9b5f0deab13e85e7181b8d8b78f4b8d992d6f0287b77274cf9797a92b} of mobile phone searches were with relevance to community organizations (exactly like your establishment), and 1/2 of those just wanted to get the telephone number or address of the organization.

Setting up a great website for your restaurant/bar/coffee house is not hard, when you keep the earlier mentioned recommendations in mind. Don’t forget that you are developing the restaurant or bar’s internet site with the intent of servicing your website visitors. Ensure that you give them what they desire, and they will come to your establishment in person as well.

Do not forget that the internet is constantly developing, and staying on your game will mean following web marketing trends. Keeping yourself current in internet restaurant or bar marketing and advertising subjects is important if you would like have an amazing, advanced site.

The promotion of restaurant/bar/coffee house sites has grown to be significantly more innovative recently, due to the growth of social websites, smart phones, and so on.

However, the majority of restaurants/bars/coffee houses haven’t yet taken on these new methods, getting you an edge over the vast majority of restaurant market.

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