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Housekeeping at Your Kerry B&B

Regardless of the rates of rooms in a B&B, there is nothing more important than cleanliness. A B&B’s reputation can be ruined if a guest spots a spec of dirt. Housekeeping Checklists – The Guest Room It is advised to make a checklist for ALL of the jobs that need to be carried out. Some […]

Building a Successful Restaurant Brand in Cork

There is a lot of competition in the restaurants space with hundreds of restaurants in Cork. Fast food and franchise businesses on top of that. Your main question probably is “so how do I stand out in such a crowded and competitive space?” The answer to this is to have a strong restaurant brand. It […]

The Benefits of Stocktaking

Carrying out a stock take has many benefits. These benefits include; Analysing gross profit Determining shrinkage Meeting business targets Analysing product performance Finding flaws in pricing strategies   Analysing Gross Profit Knowing your gross profit for each period will provide deeper insights into the positives and negatives. It will also help you to understand and […]

Your Guide To Successful Stocktaking!

It is generally at the end of the financial year when a stocktake is carried out, but some businesses may conduct a stock take more often than others. So, what is a stock take? Simply put, it is a process that involves taking count of a business inventory at a particular time. Carrying out a stock […]

Staff Hiring When Opening a Restaurant – Top Tips!

The staff that you hire are the face of your business. How they work and act can lead to the ultimate success of your business. The success and failures of the business’ performance are contributed to by the efforts of each employee. Staff quality is one of the most important aspects of a business, especially […]