|| Housekeeping at Your Kilkenny Hotel - Synergy Stocktaking ||

Housekeeping at Your Kilkenny Hotel

The most important aspect of a B&B is its cleanliness. If your Kilkenny B&B is not regularly kept clean then you wont have any customers. Don’t ruin your B&B’s reputation by slacking in ensuring its cleanliness. If a customer spots dirt, you can be sure a reputation damaging review will be made.

Make a Checklist

Making a checklist ensures that duties are followed and completed. You should write down every duty that needs to be carried out!

For example, a couple of duties may include;

  • Regularly changed bed sheets
  • Regularly vacuumed floor
  • Regular toiletry replacement
  • Ensuring each room has plenty of toilet roll
  • Air out the room after guest departs

Once each duty has been completed, tick them off. If there are numerous people carrying out these duties, they should sign off on what they have completed. This will help you keep on top of who has carried out what.

Protect Your Standards

To reduce business costs you should consider laminating these checklists so that they can be ticked with a felt tip pen and then wiped clean at the end of the day. If you have staff doing the housekeeping at your B&B then this can be used as a control mechanism too. If a chambermaid has ticked something off that patently hasn’t been done you can use it to build a case to let that person go if you feel they are not doing the job properly.

After all, if your guest numbers at your B&B start dwindling and you put the room rates up to compensate, you could be on the slippery slope to losing the business. So don’t be squeamish about controlling ineffective staff, you’re the ones who will pay the higher price, not them.

Kerb Appeal Counts For a B&B

Finally, don’t neglect the outside of your B&B either, as kerb appeal is very important. Not only do you want passing trade to see a clean establishment, which is more likely to convert them into paying guests, but your current guests will enjoy coming up a freshly swept path through a well-kept garden.

Wipe down the door and porch, particularly if it’s been a wet and windy day. Sweep the path and be vigilant against weeds and keep the borders tidy too. All this says that you care about the B&B which tells guests you will care about them too. This can do more for repeat business than tinkering with your room rate or business costs.


Running a B&B has many advantages. Click here to discover what they are.


If your Kilkenny premises needs help with food or drink stocktaking then call the professionals at Synergy Stocktaking and find out how we can help keep the cash in your business!

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