|| Managing Your Food Stocktaking - Synergy Stocktaking ||

Managing Your Food Stocktaking

You are aware that kitchen has become one of the standard additions to the majority of bars today. This is because many owners have realized that by concentrating solely on the drinks, they are just limiting their profit margins. Some business owners sometimes leave the liability of food costing to their chef; however, if you like to gain more profits, then you deserve to do it with more precautions by doing food stocktaking.

If you are the owner, then it is your responsibility to make sure that your business is doing its best and generating more profits rather than hemorrhaging cash by uncounted for stock. By doing regular inventories as well as food stocktaking, you are able to achieve effectiveness along with business operations. However, you will find that there are some discrepancies, which you can find as you keep on doing this kind of stocktaking.

Controlling deliveries and orders
Storing some ingredients that you don’t need could have a huge effect on your food cost. You could use stocktaking to be your guide to get orders and deliveries that could significantly lessen your food cost. In addition, this avid you from paying for the deliveries that you can’t use.

Use of existing stocks to lessen wastage
You will find wide range of advantages, which you can get from food stocktaking that certainly can deliver increased profits to your business. There are more uses for the stocks and ingredients you have and you can also optimizes your inventory. For example, the excess stock can be utilizes by your chef to make new recipes in your present menu in order to make it more appetizing and appealing.

Free up your space through removing unusable stocks
Considering that you need to by extra storage devices to supply for your stocks is just one though that you must consider seriously. The price of any kind of storage device is not that cheap and this is the main reason why you need to make sure that there is a great need for that kind of storage device. Doing regular food stocktaking could help you understand if there is in need for extra purchase or not. Doing this, it will enable you to free up all the space from the stocks, which us no longer usable, this could give you sufficient space to include all your present and future needs.

Create more effective stocking means
Food stocktaking will enable you to see any irregularities and anomalies, which are happening inside your kitchen. From this, you can now craft more efficient stocking methods, and correct the wrong ones and lessen the food cost, which can result to increased profitability.

Above mentioned are just some of the advantages you can have from food stocktaking. You can even experience more as you go along the way. If you haven’t give it a try, then it could be ideal if you will go for it and let yourself be amazed from the benefits of food stocktaking.

If you are interested in our proven food stocktaking services then call Synergy Stocktaking today and we will be happy to schedule a call to discuss your requirements.