|| Stocktaking Tips To Run A Better Bar - Synergy Stocktaking ||

Stocktaking Tips To Run A Better Bar

Performing a bar stock take in the licensed premises helps to reduce stock shrinkage and maintain your businesses gross profit. The pub trade is a very liquid industry so keeping a close eye on your stock is vital.

A good stocktakers will be able to tell you the extent of your stock short falls and the effect that it is having on your gross profit margins but very few will be able to pin point the cause of the stock loss.

That may or may not be their fault indeed even if you perform you own stock takes you yourself may still have no idea as to where you stock has gone.

The cause of this problem is in the main your till or more importantly you till reports. The worse till to have in operation in the bar is one that reports just department sales as one lump sum. To really feel the benefit of any stock take you must invest in a good fully stock reporting till.

By this I mean a till with preset buttons and PLUs the advantages of which are phenomenal, first off your staff will never get a drinks price wrong. They will also be able to ring rounds in as they go reducing the chance of missing a drink off of a round. You don’t have to teach new members of staff all your drinks prices. You can check that a full round has been rung in every time.

The real advantage comes when you wish to ascertain where your stock is disappearing, you will be able to check each product line against the stock takers report and see exactly which lines are under achieving. A good till makes having a stock take worth while.

For the purpose of a liquor stock take all bar snacks such as crisps, nuts etc are counted as wet stock and should be included in your liquor stock count as should tobacco products and other items.

Allowances are the downfall of almost every stock take and landlords own consumption is the main one, when a doctor asks a drinker how much they drink, they almost always double the response given. Now is estimate your consumption through out the count period are you really going to be honest? Then there’s always going to be the temptation on receiving a bad stock report to say that your estimate was too low and to increase it, mainly to make the stock report look better.

Far better to know exactly what you drink during the stock period and to keep an accurate record of it, paying for own drinks is often the best way of achieving this.

If you need highly accurate and efficient bar stocktaking services then contact us today and one of of our team will be more than happy to visit your premise and discuss your needs.