|| What to Look For in a Great Receptionist - Synergy Stocktaking ||

What to Look For in a Great Receptionist

Do you know what it takes to be a great receptionist? If you are hiring a new receptionist for your establishment, then you will need somebody that makes a fantastic first impression, can show initiative, and has great experience. However, a great receptionist will need posses plenty more traits than that. While undertaking the hiring process, look out for the following traits in your new potential receptionist.

1. Great communication skills

The most important skill a receptionist must have is excellent written and verbal communication skills. For example, a talented receptionist will be able to write an email with perfect grammar and speak clearly on the phone. A long with communication, a brilliant receptionist will also be proficient in customer service. For example, answering questions and handling problems.

2. Professionalism

Usually, the first person customers, guests and visitors are greeted by is the receptionist. Therefore, first impressions are crucial. A receptionist needs to be appear and act highly professional. So, watch out for how candidates present themselves physically, as well as verbally.

3. Confidence

Good interpersonal skills go beyond basic communication abilities. Look for a candidate who collaborates easily, can give and receive criticism gracefully, and rises above petty office politics. Soft skills like friendliness and likability are especially important for the receptionist role.

4. Organised

Organised people develop processes to keep them on track, even when they encounter the unexpected. Great receptionists show a knack and enthusiasm for organisation. They can find files and phone numbers at a moment’s notice, and maintain a tidy work area. To assess organisational skills, ask candidates to explain a filing system they implemented or how they prefer to set up calendars and contacts.

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